Online proofreading jobs featured image with laptop on table with a plant on desk

7 Best Online Proofreading Jobs (That Are Actually Legit)

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Last Updated on July 18, 2022 by Daniella

Thinking about starting a work from home job?

If you have an eye for spotting spelling and grammar errors, why not look into online proofreading? A lot of people don’t know that proofreaders can make a good living working part-time or full-time, entirely online!

If this sounds like it might be right up your alley, keep reading while we share the 7 best online proofreading jobs that are legit!

What is Proofreading?

First, let’s drill down to uncover what exactly proofreading is. 

Proofreading is the final step in the publication process.

Published work includes blog posts, articles, books, etc. There is a process to take you from brainstorming an idea to publication.

First, you brainstorm your topic idea and do keyword research, you write an outline, then an original draft, a final draft, etc.

The very last stage before work is published is proofreading.

A proofreader goes through the entire draft to make sure it is free of errors before it’s published. This includes spotting small and large mistakes in grammar and spelling.

You’d be surprised how many mistakes can arise while writing, from even the most seasoned writers. Proofreading helps to find those errors and correct them on the spot!


Advantages of Proofreading

Disadvantages of Proofreading

  • Specific guidelines may be required, depending on the job
  • Additional training may be required

How Much Do Proofreaders Make?

When it comes to your salary as a proofreader, you can make money:

  • By the word
  • By the hour
  • By the project

Earning by the word is typically how copywriters charge. 

For example, you proofread a 10,000-word manuscript and charge $.05/word for this work, which would make you $500.

Charging by the hour is earning an hourly wage, which is based on the time you work on the proofreading project.

This could be $50/hour with 3 hours or your time you devote to a proofreading project, making you $150.

Then, there’s charging by the project. This is based on the scope of the project and can include many factors. A project rate might be $1,000 and you’ll earn this independent of the time required or how many words the draft is.

According to Payscale, a proofreader can make between $16.53 to $20.32/hour.

However, there are outliers, like proofreader Caitlin Pyle who has made up to $65+ per hour (more on her story below).

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What Are The Requirements for Proofreaders?

While a formal education and background are not typically required to score proofreading jobs (or writing jobs), you do need to possess a certain skill set.

In short, you should have a great eye for spotting errors.

If you can find spelling and grammar errors with few mistakes, then proofreading might be the perfect job for you.

You will want to ensure that you are patient, taking your time through work, going through your projects in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Where to Find Proofreading Jobs?

In today’s age of the internet, it’s a lot easier to find jobs in the proofreading field.

And, one of the perks of proofreading is that you can work from home for many proofreading jobs. They don’t really need you in the office. I personally love working from home but I am not everyone. Definitely decide if working from home is right for you and if that is what you want to do.

You’ll work from a computer and report in via email or other communication methods.

Here are some places to scope out proofreading jobs:

  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • ProofreadingServices
  • Fiverr
  • Craigslist

You will probably work as an independent contractor when you find gigs through these sites and if so, be sure to save for taxes.


Upwork is a marketplace where freelancers and clients come together to collaborate on projects. 

The freelancer, like a proofreader will bid on projects that clients post. 

Then, the client can reach out to the freelancer if they are interested, ask questions, interview, etc. If there’s a match then the client can choose to hire the freelancer and start a project on Upwork.

It’s a smoothly run operation and I have personally used Upwork to book dozens of gigs for freelance work.

Join Upwork for free to learn more.


Freelancer is a marketplace similar to Upwork. The process is almost identical. 

As a freelancer, you do want to take some precautions to avoid getting scammed like I was.

First, after you accept the project. Do not start work unless you have been paid in advance or unless the client has deposited a milestone payment with the platform. 

Waiting until a milestone payment is deposited ensures the client has skin in the game and gives you some recourse to collect on work done, in the event the client tries to scam you.

Also, never give out personal information not required for the job assignment.

And, if necessary, get it in writing and go the extra step to get a contract set up, signed between you and the client.

Head to Freelancer to learn more.


LinkedIn is a social network that revolves around career and networking. 

It’s a social channel unlike others and it’s a great way to get work for your freelance business.

First, head to LinkedIn and if you don’t have a profile, set one up. 

Then, fill out your bio, add a photo and start exploring the network. Reach out to form connections with other users, join groups and lists, and don’t be afraid to add samples or more information about your proofreading work.

Lastly, stay active.

Try to check in at least once a week on LinkedIn and continue building your network. Over time, you may be surprised to see that you get messages from time to time asking about your services.

Head to LinkedIn and join for free, if you’re not already a user.


Facebook has become an awesome place to connect with prospective clients, over the years. Make sure your Facebook profile is professional, talk about your business, share successes, and join tons of related groups.

Facebook groups are going to be your bread and butter here. 

Find relevant groups with other proofreaders and also find groups where you clients hang out.

For example, if your core client is a romance novelist who needs proofreading for their novel, join groups where romance novelists hang out.

Practice attraction marketing, provide value, ask and answer questions and be as active as you can. Then, you will start to see people come to you, asking about your services and wanting to hire you!

This works!

I did this last year for a new group I joined and within the first month of joining, I made an extra $1,000 in sales without even asking!

Give this a try.


When you visit ProofreadingServices, head to Careers then click the “Online Proofreading Jobs” button to be taken to the remote proofreading positions application.

Click here to get started. 


Fiverr is a place where you can sell your proofreading services online as a seller.

Sign up to join Fiverr for free, then post gigs for proofreading jobs, which includes:

  • Detailing the scope of the work
  • Setting a timeline
  • Setting a price
  • Adding photos, examples, samples, etc.

Launch your gig then sit back and wait to receive orders.

Fiverr is a great place to make money part-time or full-time.

This 38-year old makes 6 figures freelancing on the platform!

Head to Fiverr to get started.


Craigslist is an online classifieds site where you can buy and sell stuff, find places to rent or buy, find work, and more.

Search the platform to see what clients are hiring proofreaders then apply!

Visit Craigslist to review.

Honorable mention: Flexjobs is a great place to look for online proofreading and work from home jobs but you will have to pay a small fee to apply to jobs and use their job search tools.

Best Online Proofreading Jobs

Remember, to find the best online proofreading jobs, you can single out legit opportunities with these tips:

  • Avoid sharing personal information not required for the job.
  • Prepare a contract
  • Make sure a milestone payment or deposit is in place before starting work

Is Proofreading a Career?

Yes, it definitely is. Not only has proofreading been around for a while but, more and more people are diving into this online career as a way to work remotely, be home more, not miss out on important family moments, be their own boss, and gain the flexibility of being an entrepreneur.

Caitlin Pyle did it!

Here’s Caitlin’s story:

She had her first full-time year in 2014, making over $43,000 as a proofreader, working a part-time schedule of only 20-30 hours per week.

She made her name in the industry and today she teaches others how to proofread for a living!

Get Started As An Online Proofreader

If this sounds like an interesting venture you’d like to pursue, consider getting proofreading training. We highly recommend Proofread Anywhere, an online training that will turn your desire to jump into proofreading into a legit side hustle or full-time career opportunity.

To see if this is right for you, check out the free workshop to get you started.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, 7 best online proofreading jobs that are legit. Take a look at these resources and explore one or more to book your first proofreading gig!

To apply with confidence, don’t forget to check out the training we mentioned above!

What’s your favorite thing about proofreading? Share your comments below!

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7 best online proofreading jobs that are actually legit . laptop and journal in background. #proofreading #onlineproofreader #sidehustle #copywriter #freelance

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