Laptop and pencil in the background with the article title in front: The Best Social Plugins For Wordpress

The Best Social Plugins For WordPress 2017

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Last Updated on October 26, 2020 by Yovana

You may have just started your first website, eCommerce store or blog on WordPress but don’t have any social sharing buttons on the site. It is necessary to provide easy sharing to other social platforms. However, I understand it is hard to decide which plugin to go with if your theme does not have easy sharing buttons included. Not all of us can pay for a perfect premium theme or perfect premium plugin. That is why I put together a small list of some of the best social plugins for WordPress I have come across. Enjoy!

You must have social sharing buttons on every page of your site under every block of content for the user to be able to easily see and use them. I personally use Shareaholic and I love it. I have heard from others that Shareaholic has not worked out for them, but it has worked wonders for me. It is easy to use and even has an option to use ads so you can monetize off the content.

In addition to Shareaholic, I have included some other free social plugins for WordPress 2017.

Laptop with a pencil in the background with the article title "best social plugins for wordpress" on top of images

These free social plugins are the highest rated and most downloaded on WordPress.

Check out the 5 best social plugins for WordPress. They’re all free!


Image of different apps that are easy to share with Shareaholic. Apps are: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn, & Email

Shareaholic is one of the most used social sharing plugins. It’s popularity comes from it’s award winning tool set that increases pageviews, repeat visits, time on site and sharing rates. The analytics keyboard is easy to use, helps understand audiences and deliver appropriate content. ,

  • Multiple design sets of social sharing buttons.
  • Control over where to display social sharing buttons.
  • Support for WordPress, Drupal, Tumblr, Shopify and more.
  • Support for social analytics.
  • Support for short code placement.
  • Related content is displayed.
  • Option to display ads.
  • Control over the amount of related content to display and where.
  • Control over the amount of ads to display and where.
  • Control over display of share counts.
  • Integration of ‘Thank You For Sharing’ pop up that can also include another ad.

Shareaholic is an all-in-one content amplification and monetization platform that includes social sharing. It is free, but you need to register to access the features on offer. Shareaholic has a star rating 3.8 but don’t let that discourage you from trying out this award winning plugin.

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Images of different apps that work with Mashshare: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Whatsapp etc

Mashshare offers a setting for social media sharing with high customization. Their free service supports Facebook, Twitter and email. Don’t worry, there are a number of free add-ons. However you cannot add the other social networks unless you have the premium version. Mashshare has twice as many installs as Shareaholic and a star rating 4.7, due to the majority of reviews being for their premium version.

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WP Social Sharing

Image of WP Social Sharing Tab
WP Social Sharing adds attractive social sharing buttons to your WordPress site or blog. This plugin supports major networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and Google+.

Some of the features of WP Social Sharing are as following.

  • Responsive buttons.
  • Become smaller for devices with a resolution less than 480px.
  • Easy reformatting and reordering of social buttons.
  • Ability to add text before the share buttons.
  • Allows you to choose whether or not to load CSS.
  • Allows you to choose whether or not to load Javascript.

WP Social Sharing has a star rating 4.7 and for a free plugin, that is pretty darn good.

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Social Sharing By Danny

Image of a screen of Social Sharing by Danny

Social Sharing By Danny is another popular plugin among bloggers, developers and designs. It adds sharing buttons for Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. The icons are simple, have a hover effect for each, and can be displayed in almost any format and position.

  • It is simple, lightweight and versatile.
  • The buttons can be added automatically or by using shortcode.
  • No heavy scripting involved.
  • Fast load times.
  • Not jQuery dependent.

The number of installs for this plugin is wuite low with only 3000 or more but has a whopping star rating of 5!

Social Media Feather

Images of apps: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus,  and Youtube

Social Media Feather is a lightweight social sharing plugin and includes retina display. Want to know something amazing with this plugin? The high resolution displays are equivalent to that seen in an iPad5. It offers a quick and painless addition of social sharing features to all your posts, pages and custom post types with no Javascript used. Social Media Feather also promotes fast load times with a star rating 4.6.

Related: 7 Powerful Strategies to Improve Your ECommerce Site

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47 thoughts on “The Best Social Plugins For WordPress 2017”

  1. Pingback: The Best Free WordPress Plugins to Boost Your Blog Income - Splendid Blogger

  2. Great post and very helpful if you’re a new blogger. I used to use Sumome for share buttons but have switched to Simple Share Buttons, both of which are free. I like that I can upload custom share buttons to match my website.

  3. These are great suggestions. With so many options, it is nice to have someone sort through them all and make sound recommendations.

  4. Fantastic post! It’s so hard to decide between the thousands of plug-ins that all seem to do the same thing, so this post is very helpful for me.

  5. Great list. With so many options is good to read a review before going for one or the other. I have to admit that I like the way you have the share buttons.

  6. I’ve never managed to make Shareaholic work for me, for some reason. I used it years ago, though, it’s probably vastly improved by now! I really like Jetpack’s share buttons, they work well for me and it’s very ‘set it and forget it’. Anything to make my life a little easier!

    Fantastic post!

  7. Great post! I love using Shareaholics. I only have trouble with stumbleupon shares for some reason. But I love that you can change the colors and customize it to fit your blog theme. 🙂

  8. This was super helpful especially because I am still relatively new to WordPress! There are so many plug-ins these days and it’s difficult to find which ones are the best.

    1. I heard great things about Monarch but since it is with elegant themes, it is a premium plugin correct? Wish it was free! I guess we can;t have our cake and eat it too 😉

  9. This is so helpful! I spend way too much time trying to publicize my content on multiple social media apps – this is much more convenient!

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