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People You Can and Can’t Do Without For Your Blog To Flourish

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Last Updated on October 27, 2020 by Yovana

This is a guest blog post by Jo and Leisa of! Check them out!

A blog is like a sacred bit of the Internet that belongs to someone who wants to cherish that bit while hoping that the whole world would get to see it. In this pursuit, there are people who will help your cause and some who will hinder it.

Having had my blog for a year and a half now, I know for a fact that if your blog is to do well, people are going to be super important. Here is an insight into the types of people you will want in your corner and the ones you can do without. I will deal with the negative list first, so reserve most of your energy and concentration for the second list.

Laptop with pink flower in the background with title reading "people you can and can't do without for your blog to flourish"

The types of people you can do without

  • Doubters, negative thinkers, and discouragers

So, here is the thing: there are some people who just never seem to see the glass as half full, and they want you to think that way too. Take, for example, my friend Paula. As far as she is concerned, my blog’s current monthly page views of 9880, is the best it has ever been and the only place it will ever be. So when she invites me out to go browse the shops with her, and I tell her that I can’t because I am busy marketing my latest blog posts on social media, I fall into her black book. Of course, I want to maintain my friendship with her, but I have to take a stand for my blog if I intend to be serious about it. The choice, ultimately, is yours.

  • Friends who don’t share your passion

Have you ever had a friend roll their eyes at you as you enthusiastically tell them about a post you’d like them to read or share? You just have to accept it; they don’t share the same passion that you have for the blog. Page views mean nothing to them. Stop trying to convince them. It is perhaps akin to them telling you with just as much enthusiasm about the round of golf they played yesterday, or the Black Eyed Peas concert that they went to recently. Wouldn’t you be annoyed if they kept telling you about it at every opportunity? I know I would be.

Types of people you can’t do without

  • Competitors

There are people in your niche who are doing better, in some cases, much better, than you are doing. These are the types of people on whom you should keep their eyes. Look at their blogs, monitor how often they post, and even join their mailing list. If you do these, you will get free insider information on some of what you need to do to start being more successful with your blog.

  • Supporters

There are different groups of people who will take the growth of your blog as seriously as if they had a vested interest in it. These include mastermind groups and the hundreds of blogger support groups out there on Facebook and Google Plus communities. I have a small mastermind group with just five of us. We have basically pledged to support each other by way of bi-weekly meetings (on Skype) where we share what we are learning and we make suggestions to each other. This help may be in the form of sharing each other’s posts on social media, leaving insightful comments on blog posts, proofreading posts, and also completing guest posts for each other. It has been an amazing mastermind group and we have become such good friends as a result. Make sure to join blogger sharing groups on Facebook and Google Plus. Here, people will share your blog posts and push your page views up, which is exactly what we all want.

  • Helpers

Helpers may come paid and unpaid. You will need both. You will need paid help for such things as setting up your website and doing the techy stuff such as fixing glitches if these are things you can’t do yourself. You will want someone like Daniella of ILIKETODABBLE. It is better to hand over a headache and a few bucks when you need skills that you are not competent in.

For me, making contact with quite a few people on the blogging Facebook groups has helped me. In fact, what I do is to offer my help in any way I can when someone is struggling with a blogging task. This help usually comes back to help me. A case in point is when I responded to a question a young man had posted about his struggle with setting up and understanding Pinterest for his blog. I wrote him a direct message and helped him to set up and get his account running. Imagine how pleasantly surprised I was when he offered me a guest post a few months down the line. This post has been one of my most popular and has given me thousands of page views as a result. I suppose you could call it the cycle of blogging life.

Recently, I started reading Russell Brunson’s book, Expert’s secrets. I’m still only in the first chapter and already this idea of choosing who to have in your corner, is evident. One of the best decisions you will ever make is to decide which group of people you can’t do without for your blog to be a success. Make sure to choose wisely, and to spend more of your time, energy, and maybe money on the ones that will take your blog in the direction you really want to go.

Hopefully, you will win the first group over, when your blog becomes a household name and you have some celebrity status.

Picture of Jo and LeisaJo and Leisa are the owners of, a frugal lifestyle blog. They are teachers and authors who hail from Jamaica, but now live in England. They have been blogging for over a year and are proud parents of three teenagers. Follow them on social media here:


If you would like to do a guest blog post on my blog, hit me up!

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18 thoughts on “People You Can and Can’t Do Without For Your Blog To Flourish”

  1. Hello Jo & Leisa,

    Amazing Post!

    Your article helps to know the types of people we will come across. It’s necessary to know our audience in order to make a better relationship.

    It will be so nice of you if you give some tips on how to convert a negative audience to a positive one.

    I will tweet your post.

    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  2. I love this list! Blogging is tough work and it is so important to have people around you that support you and want you to win. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Great post. It is important to have competitors. They can inspire us and spur us on to greater things. Also, I have a best friend who blogs as well & we are a great support system for one another.

  4. Great post! It has been eye opening the amount of people close to me who have not been real supportive, and surprising. You gotta keep moving on with the support you have!

  5. Hello ladies,

    Thank you for sharing this. I definitely keep my circle full of good vibes and positive people. And I love giving shout outs and celebrate my fellow bloggers and their milestones! It feels great knowing we have a cheering section for us. 🙂

    Unfortunately there are some fam and friends who don’t share my passion but I’m okay with that. I don’t waste any time wondering why.

    Great post ladies! Passing this along.


    1. Thanks Cori! Yes, I have the same experience sometimes with fam and friends that don’t ‘get it’ but then I also have some that love it!

  6. I would maybe add “designer” to the people you can’t live without list, haha. A few times now in my blogging journey, I’ve been close to tears and reached out to my friendly area designer, and he was able to set me on the path to success again 🙂

  7. This post is so awesome. The top things you can can without is why I never really talk about my blog to certain family and friends. The epic eye rolls and “that’s not a real job” get old.

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